Rubik's Cube Cheat Sheet

It’s always interesting how some toys rise and fall in popularity. Pogs were popular just before my time, but haven’t made a comeback. I grew up with the craze of Pokemon cards, and Magic: The Gathering, the latter of which seems to still be popular with my nephews.

Rubik’s cubes seems to be another game that has lasting enjoyment, and my nephews recently wanted to learn how to solve one. So, I took this as an opportunity to learn a more modern method myself, and put together small cheat sheet that is handy to use when teaching someone to solve a cube.

Let me also qualify this by saying I’m a complete cube novice, and there are much better people to ask than me, like the community at /r/cubers, for example. But, for $14 and a few hours of time, you can learn to solve a cube in under 5 minutes, and with just a bit of practice you can get that down to about 1 minute, even as a novice. Protip: don’t buy a “Rubik’s Cube” brand cube. Get a speed cube instead. I’ve been very happy with the YJ Yulong V2 M, but there are a lot of great cubes to choose from.

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